Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Across the River...without a paddle

“Raoul thought he had never seen a more magnificent creature. As he stroked her gleaming chestnut flank, he felt a stirring in his own haunches...”

Okay, now that I have your attention, let me tell you about my career coach. She's a lovely woman who calls herself “Gina Hiatt” (but I suspect that’s the name they gave her in the Witness Protection Program). She suggested that I regale casual cyber surfers with tales of my adventures in the publishing trade via blog, thereby building an audience of would-be readers should my novel ever be published. After I laughed until my eyes bled, I thought, "Why not? What a wonderful opportunity to be ignored by a whole different class of people in a whole new genre!"

After 20 years of editing and writing for many national magazines with "Woman" or “Family” in the title, I blithely began writing a mystery novel, titled ACROSS THE RIVER. Perhaps if I had actually named the main character "Blythe," it would have gone easier. It didn't help that I chose September 10, 2001, as my start date. Herein lies the story. Or rather, I'll try to share the current situation, while throwing in confusing "Memento"-like flashbacks. Sound intriguing? Let me know.

Oh, by the way. My mystery novel has nothing to do with Raoul and his four-legged love interest. The actual opening lines are:

“The double doors of The Rock Bottom swung closed behind me, shutting out the lazy light of a mid-June afternoon. Even in the gloom, the smoke-hazed saloon seemed smaller than I remembered. But then again, the last time I'd been in here, I was wearing chaps, a holster and a ten-gallon hat.”

1 comment:

Gina Hiatt, Ph.D. said...

Sounds very intriguing. And after years of hiding successfully in the Witness Protection Program, I've been exposed.

This novel deserves to be read by the public, it must be read. I insist!